Public Holidays in Sydney and NSW
Things to do in the Holidays in Sydney
What to do in the Holidays?
The public holidays in NSW and Sydney should be a time for everyone to enjoy themselves. Whether we succeed or not partly depends upon whether we can agree on what to do. Below is a table of dates so you know when you can expect a break, albeit a fleeting one. The links take you to a page of things to do to make the most of these few sacred hours of freedom.
So, when are the Public Holidays in Sydney?
Ok, ok, there aren’t that many so don’t get too excited, I’m sure NSW is short changed in comparison to other states and certainly internationally. So much for the land of the long weekend. It would certainly make sense for the government to increase the number of days off work in NSW. This would obviously provide a boost to feelings of well-being and confidence resulting in increased economic activity, growth and wealth.
Public Holidays in NSW and for things to do follow the links below:
- New Years Day Thursday, 1st January 2026.
- Australia Day * Monday, 26th January 2026.
February and March
- There are no time-off in February and March! Noooo! 🙂
April March / April
- Good Friday – Friday, 18th April 2025.
- Easter Saturday – Saturday, 19th April 2025.
- Easter Sunday – Sunday, 20th April 2025.
- Easter Monday – Monday, 21st April 2025.
- ANZAC Day Friday, 25th April 2025.
- There are no May Day off! What’s wrong with May? It’s a great month for a break.
- Kings Birthday – Monday, 9th June 2025.
- July is another month of work, work, work with no end.
- Bank Holiday ** – Monday, 4th August 2025.
- September is another month full of work despite Father’s Day .
- Labour Day – Monday, 6th October 2025.
- November is the last of the time-off free zones.
- Christmas Day – Thursday, 25th December 2025.
- Boxing Day – Friday, 26th December 2025.
Source – NSW Government Industrial Relations
Public Holidays – Blink and you will miss them
Here they are, nine days off (we want more! we want more!). Bank Holidays are just that, they just apply to people who work for some financial institutions. As indicated above, the links will take you to a page of suggested things to do. None of these precious few hours off work should be wasted wondering about what to do whilst you aren’t working.
Things to do
Unfortunately we can’t fully answer the question of what to do until fairly close to the actual date. This is in part because some institutions, naming no names Powerhouse Museum, can be a little slow to publish their list of things to do. So if you come back a little nearer to the day you will find even more things to do.
Nothing Special to do during the Bank Holidays?**
We don’t provide a special page for days away from the bank but we do have a monthly events calendar containing What’s on in Sydney which will give you some good ideas of what to do. Just click the click the link entitled ‘Events’ and select the month you are interested in.
Campaign for more Time-off Work
Clearly, we need and deserve more. More time-off work means more people finding things to do in the holidays, which means more money spent, which means more demand for goods and services and so we all get richer. They are a good thing, so let’s have more of them.
More Vacation, Less War
This philosophy could certainly be applied globally, more days on vacation means more growth, more wealth maybe even less war. ‘Sorry, not going to war today, I’m on vacation’. Is there any evidence this would work? Well Brazil, one of the top ranking developed nations in regard total days off (40 plus), has had very few wars since its independence.
Not working for Peace
So why do we bother with the United Nations? Instead of spending all that money on peace keeping forces and armed interventions, let the UN change its charter to fund peace keeping holidays. A country appears to be in turmoil, civil war, border disputes. No worries, lets just calm down, chill out and take a break. In order to do our bit, we hereby give the United Nations the right to republish this page as an example of the peace dividend that could be achieved if we stop fighting each other.
Bondi Peace Pavilion
The U.N. should offers soldiers on both sides of any conflict a free week in Sydney. That way they could discuss their differences over a beer on Bondi Peace Pavilion or a Sydney Harmony Cruise. Vacation vs Going to War? Not a hard choice. There you go, problems of the world sorted. They could even declare a new public holiday in NSW to celebrate.
School Holidays
Sydney100 has what to do in the school break is covered on a different page with the well thought out title of;
Sydney School Holidays
The school holidays matter even if you don’t have kids as it often means less traffic, boss is more likely to be away and work can get a little less hectic. Mind you, if you in a business that is busy during these periods maybe it is best if you don’t know when they are!
Do all Public Holidays occur whilst the kids are off school?
You would think that, given public holidays in NSW are so few in number, that they would all occur at the same time as the kids are at home. Unfortunately they do not. Queens Birthday or June Long Weekend doesn’t and occasionally, neither does ANZAC Day. In fact in 2013, the Easter break start two weeks after Easter! I will not rant anymore, I will just let my exasperation dissipate through the screen..boy I need some time-off. 🙂